Early on in our trip, a group of SUS14 riders decided that they were going to begin Tweeting @ and emailing famous celebrities about what we are doing and suggesting that they either visit us in a particularly city or join us for the wheel dip in Monterey. Some of the celebrities we have contacted have been George R. R. Martin, author of the Game of a Thrones series, both Michelle and Barack Obama, and several other famous folks. Interestingly, a surprising number of celebs were kind enough to respond to our emails and Tweets. In fact, despite having been out of the country at the time of our arrival in Santa Fe NM, George R. R. Martin replied that we could go to his movie theater in the city and pick up a free drink, free popcorn, and a signed copy of his book.
In addition to our team'a attempts at fame, our neighbors to the north, SC2SC, have also had some luck with a certain famous biking figure.
Yep, that's right; it's Lance Armstrong!
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