Bike and Build

Bike and Build
Southern United States

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wanderlust: The desire to explore

Yesterday's ride was fantastic.  I rode over 65 miles and got to explore parts of my community that I hadn't ever seen before, despite having lived in the Lake Norman area for nearly 20 years.  Seeing so many unfamiliar sites in such a familiar place makes me excited for the hundreds of new and remarkable places I will have the opportunity to see this summer.  Here are some of the gorgeous views, and a couple selfies to prove I was the one riding 😉

Additionally, I want to send a shoutout to Blue Harbor Bank of Mooresville NC for stepping to the plate and volunteering to play such an active role in my ride this summer and the larger fight for more affordable housing.  These lovely ladies and their coworkers generously brought baked goods to the office for patrons of the bank with only the request that those eating the brownies and cookies consider contributing to a donation jar.  Thanks so much Blue Harbor!!!  


  1. Molly, have you done a trial run yet with all the stuff you want to take to see if it will fit in your pack? One of my favorite old photos is from such a day when I packed and repacked as I had to pare down what could be taken on a long back packing trip. Even pared down I wound up with a 60 lb pack but since much of it was food the thing at least got a bit lighter each day. A set of scrubs make great sleep/lounge wear. Rigel

    1. Rigel,
      Wonderful to read your comment. I have been making a pile of vital items and then removing the absolute nonessentials over the past week or so. Today will be the ultimate test of my Tetris skills as I see whether I can puzzle together all my items in a 65 liter backpack. Pictures to come.
      Also, I hope that my bag loses weight across the country, or in the least, doesn't gain too much weight with acquired trinkets from my travels.
