Bike and Build

Bike and Build
Southern United States

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Atlantic to Pacific: Gee, it will be terrific

The weather outside is getting chilly with snow falling across North Carolina.  But as the temperature drops, I can't help but let my mind wander to this coming summer and what promises to be an absolutely memorably experience of riding bikes and helping families and communities across the country.
Knock on wood, on my 20th birthday, my fellow riders and I will be dipping our back tires in the Atlantic at Jacksonville, Florida and at the beginning of August our front tires will hit the Pacific on Monterey's beaches.
What stands between me and this amazing opportunity?  My fundraising goal of $4500 and lots of training.  I can take care of the training but please, take the time to help me raise $4500 for affordable housing across the United States.  Follow the link and ask yourself as you consider donating, how much would you want others to give if your position were reversed with some of the moms and dads that are trying to establish a home for their children?

A sunny day for Bike & Build 2009 at the Atlantic Ocean

A refreshing dip in the Pacific Ocean following over 4000 miles of biking and building

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sometimes You Just Have to Dance

The spring semester of my sophomore year at UNC has just started and already I have a wonderful summer to look forward to.  

Just this past weekend, I had my telephone conversation with one of my group leaders.  We spent a lot of time talking about our own experiences with affordable housing, road biking, and traveling.  We also marveled about what aspects of the cross-country ride we are most looking forward to.  Needless to say, we are both thrilled to be riding through three national parks - Zion, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon - and also to have the pleasure of seeing first hand how the money we raise is helping small towns across America.  

After browsing the Internet, I found this little gem.  Maybe what I should most look forward to is dancing :)